Monday 31 March 2014

SoftShell Crab

Softshell crab is a side product of mud crab aquaculture. Softshell crab has a big potential to be success.  Softshell crab is popular among the seafood lovers. They can be eat without remove their shell like the normal crab. This characteristic is the main attribute to their rise in demand lately. 

Softshell crab is not a new species of crab. This crab, especially in Malaysia, was made from mud crab, Scylla spp.  Softshell crab is a form of crab after it is molted. After they molted, the crab will be in weak stated and their shell will take around 12 hour before it start to harden. This means that almost the entire crab can be eaten except their mouthparts, gills and the abdomen, which should be discarded. Thus it can be eaten without having to shell the crab to reach the meat.

The crab ready to molt

The mud crab will be kept in pond for a few hours to days depend on the condition of the crab before them molting. Some crab already show their sign for molting and in just a few hour the crab will molting. This crab will be put into plastic cage that can submerge. This is important for the farmer to check whether the crab already molt or not. It is important to check the crab regularly in order to avoid the crab from hardening.

Example of the softshell cage

The process takes around 21 days or less for the crab to molt. The legs and the chelipeds will be taken off in order to fasten the molting process. It also will improve the number of survival crab during molting process. After molting, the crab will have a new pair of leg and chelipeds and their shell still soft. The crab is ready for market.

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